Spanish, 14.01.2021 09:10 live4dramaoy0yf9

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Other questions on the subject: Spanish

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Originally, uruguay was home to small groups of indigenous tribes. during european colonization, nearly all the indigenous population was conquered, killed, or driven out. in what year did the spanish explorers first land in the area? 1492 1945 1600 1516
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Spanish, 23.06.2019 01:00, ochoachanna
12 á á é in n ó ó ú ú o choose the answer that best relates to the class or field of study listed below. el francés a. el arte b. la informática c. las ciencias d. las lenguas select the best answer from the choices provided
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Spanish, 23.06.2019 14:00, psychocatgirl1
4. a juana le (encantar) las telenovelas (soap operas).
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Spanish, 23.06.2019 17:30, mochoa4
¿era mariela la chica de la casa blanca?
Answers: 1
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