Social Studies, 09.12.2020 23:40 tonya3498

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What kind of criticism is a poorly delivered criticism that can be hurtful and malicious? criticism is a poorly delivered criticism that can be hurtful and malicious.
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Social Studies, 22.06.2019 06:30, dragaozin4505
97 points what types of changes have been made in the united states to protect people from earthquakes? a. communities are no longer located along fault lines. b. building codes ensure that structures can withstand shaking. c. warnings go off when an earthquake is expected, and people evacuate the area. d. barriers have been built to prevent flooding by a tsunami.
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Social Studies, 22.06.2019 07:30, keatonjarvis
According to the chart, the power to tax is a concurrent power, meaning a) it belongs to the state government. b) it is a government power that is shared. c) it is less important than the power to borrow money. eliminate d) it is more important than the regulating state trade.
Answers: 2
Social Studies, 22.06.2019 07:40, blink182lovgabbie
Explain why the judicial branch is considered the weakest branch. explain what might happen if the judicial branch could not separate itself from the other two branches. explain how a strong judiciary branch would maintain limited government and individual rights. explain why a law that contradicts the constitution must be ruled invalid. explain why the legislature may not determine if its laws are unconstitutional. hamilton argues that the judicial branch is not above the legislative branch. explain his reasoning. how is the problem solved when two laws passed by the same legislature contradict each other? explain why hamilton believes it is pointless to argue the power of judicial review will enable judges to rule in ways that serve their own interests. explain how life tenure is necessary for the judicial branch to be able to protect individual rights against a majority. explain how everyone benefits when the rights of individuals or groups are protected. explain how limited terms of office might discourage the best-qualified people.
Answers: 1
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