Social Studies, 13.11.2020 14:00 fanta47

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id 4283036421
password NVA37n

Answers: 3

Other questions on the subject: Social Studies

Social Studies, 22.06.2019 01:50, blokkboii
When discussing comparative and absolute advantage, which best describes specialization? developing expertise in certain types of production limiting the types of goods and services produced targeting specific consumers and retailers producing certain items for specific market segments the answer is: the act of limiting the kinds of goods and services produced
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Social Studies, 22.06.2019 10:00, dbanks701
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Social Studies, 22.06.2019 11:50, driskell3
As societies modernize, what often happens to crime rates? a. they increase b. they decrease c. they remain the same d. they increase slightly and then fall rapidly
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Social Studies, 22.06.2019 15:30, NeverEndingCycle
The year is 1776. the family of philosopher john locke has brought a lawsuit against thomas jefferson for copying locke's ideas. locke's family claim that jefferson's "declaration of independence" plagiarizes locke's ideas from two treatises on government. you are the judge ruling on the case. you must research how jefferson's ideas compare to locke's and determine whether or not jefferson is guilty of stealing locke's ideas. your paragraph opinion (a court document explaining how you arrived at your decision on a case) should contain the following: explain at least 2 ideas of jefferson and locke that are similar explain at least 1 idea of jefferson that is different from locke's determine whether or not jefferson is guilty of plagiarism explain why or why not ~~ you don't have to do the work for me but i really would like some with this, you ! ( if you would like to do it for me that's great too : )
Answers: 3
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id 4283036421
password NVA37n...

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