Mathematics, 28.01.2020 19:53 Beast3dgar

Ineed ! what’s the best answer choice? ?

Ineed ! what’s the best answer choice? ?

Answers: 2

Other questions on the subject: Mathematics

Mathematics, 20.06.2019 18:04, randallcraig27
In triangle △abc, ∠abc=90°, bh is an altitude. find the missing lengths. ab=4 and bc=3, find ah, ch and bh.
Answers: 1
Mathematics, 21.06.2019 18:30, coco4937
The base of a triangle is 8 1 3 meters and the height of the triangle is the fourth root of 16 meters meters. what is the area of the triangle?
Answers: 3
Mathematics, 21.06.2019 19:30, sb6998
Michelle and julie work at a catering company. they need to bake 264 cookies for a birthday party that starts in a little over an hour and a half. each tube of cookie dough claims to make 36 cookies, but michelle eats about 1/5 of every tube and julie makes cookies that are 1.5 times as large as the recommended cookie size. it takes about 8 minutes to bake a container of cookies, but since julie's cookies are larger, they take 12 minutes to bake. a. how many tubes should each girl plan to bake? how long does each girl use the oven? b. explain your solution process what did you make? c. what assumptions did you make?
Answers: 1
Mathematics, 21.06.2019 19:40, Candieboo4006
It appears that people who are mildly obese are less active than leaner people. one study looked at the average number of minutes per day that people spend standing or walking. among mildly obese people, the mean number of minutes of daily activity (standing or walking) is approximately normally distributed with mean 376 minutes and standard deviation 64 minutes. the mean number of minutes of daily activity for lean people is approximately normally distributed with mean 528 minutes and standard deviation 107 minutes. a researcher records the minutes of activity for an srs of 7 mildly obese people and an srs of 7 lean people. use z-scores rounded to two decimal places to answer the following: what is the probability (image for it appears that people who are mildly obese are less active than leaner people. one study looked at the averag0.0001) that the mean number of minutes of daily activity of the 6 mildly obese people exceeds 420 minutes? what is the probability (image for it appears that people who are mildly obese are less active than leaner people. one study looked at the averag0.0001) that the mean number of minutes of daily activity of the 6 lean people exceeds 420 minutes?
Answers: 1
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Ineed ! what’s the best answer choice? ?

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