Mathematics, 15.12.2020 20:20 bigmess559

In a class of 32 students for students were home sick with the flu on Thursday what percent of the students were absent on Thursday

Answers: 2

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Jordan rides his bike 6 7/15 miles every day to deliver newspapers and to go to and from school. if his ride to and from school is 4 3/10 miles, how many miles is the trip to deliver newspapers? 1 1/3 1 1/6 2 1/6 2 4/5
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Mathematics, 21.06.2019 15:30, grales65
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Mathematics, 22.06.2019 00:30, trinityhayes347
Javier bought a painting for $150. each year, the painting's value increases by a factor of 1.15. which expression gives the painting's value after 77 years?
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In a class of 32 students for students were home sick with the flu on Thursday what percent of the s...

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