Mathematics, 14.11.2020 01:00 patrickdolano

Steve props a ladder against a wall of a building so that the he can get to the roof and throw water balloons at pedestrians. If the angle of elevation from the bottom of the
Aladder to the roof is 60°, and the building is 35 feet tall, how long must the ladder be
to the nearest tenth of a foot?

Answers: 1

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Astudy was interested in determining if eating milk chocolate lowered someone's cholesterol levels. ten people's cholesterol was measured. then, each of these individuals were told to eat 100g of milk chocolate every day and to eat as they normally did. after two weeks, their cholesterol levels were measured again. is there evidence to support that their cholesterol levels went down? how should we write the alternative hypothesis? (mud = the population mean difference= before - after)a. ha: mud = 0b. ha: mud > 0c. ha: mud < 0d. ha: mud does not equal 0
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Mathematics, 21.06.2019 23:40, bqg464
When steve woke up. his temperature was 102 degrees f. two hours later it was 3 degrees lower. what was his temperature then?
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You know the right answer?
Steve props a ladder against a wall of a building so that the he can get to the roof and throw wate...

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