Mathematics, 20.07.2020 05:01 mia36492

he dot plot shows the number of words students spelled correctly on a pre-test. A number line going from 2 to 11. 0 dots are above 2. 0 dots are above 3. 1 dot is above 4. 2 dots are above 5. 4 dots are above 6. 4 dots are above 7. 3 dots are above 8. 2 dots are above 9. 2 dots are above 10. 0 dots are above 11. Which statement best describes the shape of the graph? The graph is skewed right. The graph is nearly symmetrical. The graph is skewed left. The graph is perfectly symmetrical.

Answers: 3

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he dot plot shows the number of words students spelled correctly on a pre-test. A number line going...

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