Mathematics, 10.10.2019 04:30 princessbri02

4. match each sequence with one of the recursive definitions. note that only the part of
the definition showing the relationship between the current term and the previous
term is given so as not to give away the solutions. one of the sequences matches two
recursive definitions.
a. a(n) = a(n-1) - 4
b. b(n) = b(n-1) +0
2. 1 - 2 1 - 1 - 1
c. c(n)=
3.8, 8, 8,8
d. d(n) = 1.d(n-1)
(from unit 1, lesson 5.)

Answers: 2

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4. match each sequence with one of the recursive definitions. note that only the part of
the de...

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