Mathematics, 20.09.2019 01:00 alisucaalisuca

Lesson 4 session 1
solve the problem. show your work.
a city has a rectangular park that is 143 feet by 32 tee
at is 143 feet by 32 feet. there is a grassy
field with a width of 30 feet. next to the field there
width of 2 feet. what is the area of the park in squa
area of the park in square feet?
100 ft
40 ft 3 ft
30 ft
3,000 square feet
143 ft

Answers: 3

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Mathematics, 22.06.2019 00:00, macylen3900
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Answers: 2
You know the right answer?
Lesson 4 session 1
solve the problem. show your work.
a city has a rectangular park that...

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