Mathematics, 28.06.2019 11:30 piceanav

Ialso need an in depth explanation, not just the answer. i want to understand how to do these types of problems. how do you know which side to shade? how do you know how to graph inequalities? you! will reward the most to be the brainliest!

Answers: 1

Other questions on the subject: Mathematics

Mathematics, 21.06.2019 16:30, andile64
What is the area of a pizza with a radius of 40 cm leave the answer in terms of π to find your exact answer 40π cm² 1600π cm² 800π cm² 80π cm² π=pi
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Mathematics, 21.06.2019 18:00, abhibhambhani
Mozart lenses inc. recently introduced seelites, a thinner lens for eyelasses. of a sample of 800 eyeglass wearers, 246 said they would purchases their next pair of eyeglasses with the new lenses. lenses inc. estimates that the number of people who purchase eyeglasses in a year is 1,700,000. most eyeglasses wearer buy one new pair of eyeglasses a year. what is the annual sales potential for the new lenses.
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Mathematics, 21.06.2019 18:00, Kellystar27
Someone this asap for a group of students attends a basketball game. * the group buys x hot dogs at the concession stand for $2 each. * the group buys y drinks at the concession stand for $3 each. the group buys 29 items at the concession stand for a total of $70. how many hot dogs did the group buy?
Answers: 1
Mathematics, 21.06.2019 19:40, nancy00
Aretha wanted to gather data about the cost of local bowling leagues in her area. she plotted the data and determined that the average bowling league costs consist of a one-time registration fee and a monthly fee modeled by the equation y = 15x + 20. identify and interpret the y-intercept in this model. the y-intercept is 20. this is the cost per month. the y-intercept is 20. this is the cost of registration. the y-intercept is 15. this is the cost of registration. the y-intercept is 15. this is the cost per month.
Answers: 1
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Ialso need an in depth explanation, not just the answer. i want to understand how to do these types...

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