History, 11.02.2021 16:30 TrueKing184

Now that you know that the future of your country is in your hands, by putting into the office of the right person to lead the country, make a commitment to be the critical in voting by
completing the sentences below:

In choosing my candidate I will …

I will not …

I promise to practice my right to vote because …

Answers: 2

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The berlin wall divided the city, but it represented a larger division. what was it? a. the division between politics and government b. the division between the united states and its western allies c. the division between communist europe and the west the answer is c
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History, 21.06.2019 20:10, nev322
Many asian immigrants came to the united states in the 1960s and 1970s because of push factors, including the possibility of religious freedom. economic opportunities. the chance of family reunions. o poverty and chaos.
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History, 21.06.2019 20:30, okayfine3411
How w. e.b. dubois wanted to improve the social and economic situation that existed for african americans during the early 19th century?
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History, 21.06.2019 23:00, angelakrill14091
In 1819, what did the united states obtain from spain for $5 million?
Answers: 1
You know the right answer?
Now that you know that the future of your country is in your hands, by putting into the office of t...

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