English, 01.08.2019 10:00 jadenpittman02

1have you ever noticed that the look on a person's face or the movements of a person's body can tell what the person is thinking? 2 body language is the physical expression of thoughts and feelings. 3 messages are imparted through facial expressions and body positions. 4 sometimes body language can send a message that is stronger than the accompanying words, or, in some cases, in direct opposition to what is being said. which sentences combined make the thesis for the passage? a) sentences 1 and 2 b) sentences 2 and 3 c) sentences 1 and 3 d) sentences 1 and 4

Answers: 1

Other questions on the subject: English

English, 21.06.2019 20:00, Derrielle6451
Read the excerpt from a history of the world in 100 objects. power is usually not willingly given, but forcefully taken; and in both europe and america the nineteenth century was punctuated by political protest, with periodic revolutions on the continent, the civil war in america and, in britain, a steady struggle to widen the suffrage. what would be a benefit of reading this text rather than listening to an audio version of it? the reader could analyze the text features in the excerpt. the reader could visualize the description given. the reader could set his or her own pace and reread parts for clarity. the reader could hear the sounds of the political protest.
Answers: 1
English, 22.06.2019 07:50, journeyburks07
Ikeep getting differentand provide an explanation! even if it's a minor read the sample student claim."i strongly feel that advertising should be banned during children's television shows." is this an effective claim? a. yes, because it offers an opinion that everyone believes to be true. b. yes, because it expresses an indisputable statement of fact. c. no, because it does not offer an opinion that can be argued against. d. no, because it only expresses a personal preference or feeling.
Answers: 2
English, 22.06.2019 09:00, starsinopoli13
People really be on here lying to people about the right answer, dang
Answers: 2
English, 22.06.2019 11:00, thicklooney
Read the excerpt from act ii, scene iii of romeo and juliet. romeo: i warrant thee my man’s as true as steel. the simile in the excerpt means that romeo’s man a, has a sharp wit. b. is a loyal servant. c. has a hard personality. d. makes pointed comments.
Answers: 2
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1have you ever noticed that the look on a person's face or the movements of a person's body can tell...

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