English, 04.08.2019 13:00 abrown8483

Read the poem. excerpt from "paul revere's ride" by henry wadsworth longfellow paul revere was an express rider who, on april 18, 1775, was charged with delivering a message and alerting communities about the approaching british troops. then he climbed the tower of the old north church, by the wooden stairs, with stealthy tread, to the belfry chamber overhead, and startled the pigeons from their perch on the somber rafters, that round him made masses and moving shapes of shade,— by the trembling ladder, steep and tall, to the highest window in the wall, where he paused to listen and look down a moment on the roofs of the town, and the moonlight flowing over all. what are the effects of meter and rhyme in this stanza on the mood of the poem? select each correct answer. the meter and rhyme create a hopeful and serene mood. the meter and the rhyme create a lonely and tense mood. the meter and rhyme create an anxious and anticipatory mood. the meter and the rhyme create a defeated and pessimistic mood. the meter and rhyme create an upbeat and celebratory mood.

Answers: 2

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Answers: 2
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Read the poem. excerpt from "paul revere's ride" by henry wadsworth longfellow paul revere was an ex...

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