English, 05.03.2022 14:00 destany25

1. Read these quotations, first from Night and then "First They Came. " "I stood petrified. What had happened to me? My

father had just been struck, in front of me, and I had

not even blinked. I had watched and kept silent. "

"Then they came for me

to speak for me. "

and there was no one left

In both quotations, the speakers emphasize -

A. The cause of man's inhumanity to man

B. The moral dilemma of remaining silent amid injustice

C. The consequences of standing firm in your own belief system

D. The effect of fear and punishment on the human psyche

Answers: 3

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1. Read these quotations, first from Night and then "First They Came. " "I stood petrified. What h...

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