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Gr. 6 Language (Reading) The Potter and the Washerman

1 Once there was a potter who made his living creating beautiful pottery from fine porcelain. Not far from the potter lived a washerman who earned his living making dirty laundry as bright and clean as new.
2 The potter and the washerman did well in their trades. However, the potter became jealous because he worried that the washerman was more successful than he was. He decided on a secret plan to ruin him.

3 The potter travelled to the royal palace and was granted an audience with the king. “What do you wish, potter?” asked the king.
4 “I have a simple request, Your Majesty,” replied the potter. “My neighbour, the washerman, is very good at what he does. I would like to help my neighbour improve his business and become more successful.”
5 The king stroked his long beard. “Why should the washerman’s success be of any concern to you?” he asked.
6 The potter cleared his throat nervously and said, “Well, he is my neighbour, so naturally I desire what is best for him.”
7 The king looked intently at the potter. “What did you have in mind, potter?”
8 “A challenge, Your Highness. I propose that my neighbour wash one of Your Majesty’s esteemed elephants until it is spotlessly clean. To complete a challenge like that successfully would increase his business a hundredfold, I am certain.”
9 Having revealed his clever plan, the potter’s heart hammered so loudly he thought all would hear it. He hoped no one would guess the secret part of his plan: that the washerman would fail to complete this impossible challenge, which would cause him to lose business.
10 “I will consider your suggestion,” said the king.
11 A few days later the potter was summoned before the king.
12 “I have just spoken with the washerman,” the king said, “and he was quite surprised by your concern for his well-being. He was also troubled by one difficulty with your idea, but knowing you are an accomplished potter, he thought you would be able to help him.”
13 Help the washerman ruin himself? This was better than the potter had anticipated. “I am flattered by the washerman’s request, Your Majesty.”
14 “As you know,” continued the king, “in order to clean the soiled article, the washerman puts it into a large porcelain basin with water and soap. The concern of the washerman was finding a porcelain basin large enough to wash an elephant. But then he remembered your exceptional talents as a potter, and he suggested that you create such a container.”
15 This was terrible. Create a porcelain basin large enough for an elephant? Impossible. And yet, to refuse could destroy his own reputation. With trembling knees, the potter agreed.
16 After many weeks of work, the elephant-sized porcelain bowl was finally ready. On the day of the challenge, the king’s largest elephant was brought to the courtyard. The basin was carefully unloaded from the potter’s wagon and filled with warm water and soap.

17 The washerman stood ready with his best scrub brushes. The elephant was led up the ramp. Trumpeting, it stepped slowly into the delicate basin.
18 Would the basin hold the elephant?
19 It certainly would not!
20 With a crack, the porcelain basin shattered into a thousand pieces, sending a foamy river from the palace courtyard into the town below.
21 Staring at the king, all the people in the courtyard held their breath.
22 The king smiled gently at the potter. “My elephant is waiting to be bathed, and the washerman waits to prove his ability to wash him spotlessly clean. Would you care to go home and create another large basin so the washerman can do this?”
23 The potter gave great thought to his options, turned and quickly left the palace courtyard.
24 As for the washerman, his wisdom so impressed the king that he became one of the most trusted advisers in the royal court.

Short Answer
11. Explain why the potter’s plan is unsuccessful. Use specific details from the text to support your answer (use approximately 3 to 5 typed lines)

12. How does the dialogue reveal the king’s character? Use specific details from the text to support your answer. (use approximately 3 to 5 typed lines)

Answers: 2

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Gr. 6 Language (Reading) The Potter and the Washerman

1 Once there was a potter who mad...

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