English, 19.04.2021 20:40 andr8aa

Do what you can no links or I will report you

Do what you can no links or I will report you

Answers: 2

Other questions on the subject: English

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Which of the following is a skill that would contribute to someone’s academic identity? a. researching b. marketing c. negotiating d. networking
Answers: 2
English, 22.06.2019 06:30, misaki2002
50 ! your poem must include the following: ● poetic form: lines and stanzas (not paragraphs! ) o your poem needs to be at least 10 lines long. ● sensory details/strong imagery o “paint a picture” and/or create an emotion with your words, word choice is key in poetry ● figurative language o include at least one of the following: metaphor, simile, and/or personification (click here for more info. on these) ● sound devices o include at least one of the following: repetition, rhyme, rhythm, meter, onomatopoeia, and/or alliteration (click here for more info. on these) ● labels o underneath your poem, include the words from the poem that represent the figurative language and sound devices and label them o examples: booming bombs - alliteration; like a firefly - simile you so
Answers: 1
English, 22.06.2019 07:30, Animallover100
How does the interaction between brutus and his servants varrus and claudio develop the plot of act iv of the tragedy of julius caesar
Answers: 2
English, 22.06.2019 08:30, nathangirnet
Have you ever contributed to “social media outrage” (using your social media accounts to boost the anger about a contemporary issue by forwarding it, liking it, etc.) without stopping to think who might’ve originated the message or what the originator’s motives might’ve been? provide example.
Answers: 3
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Do what you can no links or I will report you

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