English, 15.02.2021 01:00 adamm16

The only difference is that a passport issued by a government allows travel abroad and the document from the other institution does not. to

Answers: 1

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English, 21.06.2019 21:00, lalalalal5
The author most likely uses the word monstrous rather than the word “unpleasant” because it has a more positive connotation than the word “unpleasant.” a more negative connotation than the word “unpleasant.” a more neutral connotation than the word “unpleasant.” almost the same connotation as the word “unpleasant.”
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English, 21.06.2019 22:30, 44chandracloutier
In living to tell the tale, what does the following passage mainly reveal about the narrator (paragraph 2)? “there was not a single door, crack in the wall, a human trace that did not find a supernatural resonance in me.” : a) the narrator associates memories to specific objects that he sees. b) the narrator realizes the buildings around him should be demolished. c) the narrator feels as though he wants to connect to the people of the town. d) the narrator is unsure why he feels frightened while walking with his mother.
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English, 22.06.2019 00:20, yoyo4396
What is the poetic term for rhythm?
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English, 22.06.2019 01:00, Masielovebug
Marvell's poem is in fact an argument consisting of three logically related points. in at least 150 words, identify each point and trace the speaker's argument from proposition to conclusion. you may find it to identify the transitional word or phrase that marks the beginning of each part of the argument. support your analysis of the argument with details from the poem.
Answers: 2
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The only difference is that a passport issued by a government allows travel abroad and the document...

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