English, 04.02.2021 20:30 Jackierose2004

Read this excerpt from “Street Cleaning Day.” An open space on the street
snapped him out of his thoughts
and back to the wheel.
He sped up a little
and moved close to the curb,
pulling ahead of the space.
Just as he shifted his car
in reverse, a flash
swooped in from behind
and took from Square
what the morning had offered.
Out hopped Triangle
from his truck, whistling, his point
gleaming in the sun. Square fumed
and each of his corners
turned pepper red.

What do geometric-shape characters best help the reader visualize?

a setting that is mathematical
a setting filled with geometry
the pure emotion of the characters
the attitudes of the characters


Answers: 3

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You know the right answer?
Read this excerpt from “Street Cleaning Day.” An open space on the street
snapped him out of...

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