English, 18.11.2020 23:10 Sillydork4545

ROMEO I fear, too early; for my mind misgives
Some consequence yet hanging in the stars
Shall bitterly begin his fearful date
With this night's revels and expire the term
Of a despised life, closed in they breast,
By some vile forfeit of untimely death.
Which best summarizes Romeo's concern about some consequence yet hanging in the stars?
A. The stars represent fate and what cannot be changed whether good or bad.
B. Fate is fickle and will change.
C. Fun is yet to bless the night because the stars will make it happen.
D. Fate will be sure to punish; it cannot be changed.

Answers: 3

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Answers: 3
You know the right answer?
ROMEO I fear, too early; for my mind misgives
Some consequence yet hanging in the stars

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