English, 18.11.2019 14:31 00015746

What the answer! i need asap and you

What the answer! i need asap and you

Answers: 2

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What is the phrase a tiny shoot of phase prikled by the mind
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English, 22.06.2019 03:50, chem1014
Juanito. hey, don't leave yet. what type of work? and where? who do i see? hey, don't leave yet! the duende. (the duende stops and turns). be careful. danger. danger. (he exits.) —blanca flor, angel vigl read these lines from the play again, then rewrite them as they might appear in a novel. the answer is 'hey, don't leave yet," cried juanito. "what type of work? and where? who do i see? hey, don't leave yet! " the duende stopped and turned back to juanito. "be careful. danger," he warned. as he turned to leave, he repeated: "danger."
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English, 22.06.2019 07:30, chyyy3
Read the passage below and answer the question. jake was incredibly loquacious. he once gave a twenty minute monologue about his favorite movie. in the passage above, the context clue used to find the definition of loquacious is an example of an antonym an example a synonym the tone of the whole phrase
Answers: 1
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What the answer! i need asap and you

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