
The appears at the bottom of the windows desktop; it is used to launch and manage programs.

Answers: 1

Other questions on the subject: Computers and Technology

Computers and Technology, 21.06.2019 23:30, nourmaali
4.11 painting a wall (1) prompt the user to input integers for a wall's height and width. calculate and output the wall's area (integer). note that in this case there is a new line after each prompt. (submit for 1 point). enter wall height (feet): 11 enter wall width (feet): 15 wall area: 165 square feet (2) extend to also calculate and output the amount of paint in gallons needed to paint the wall (floating point). assume a gallon of paint covers 350 square feet. store this value in a variable. output the amount of paint needed using the %f conversion specifier. (submit for 2 points, so 3 points total). enter wall height (feet): 11 enter wall width (feet): 15 wall area: 165 square feet paint needed: 0.471429 gallons (3) extend to also calculate and output the number of 1 gallon cans needed to paint the wall. hint: use a math function to round up to the nearest gallon. (submit for 2 points, so 5 points total). enter wall height (feet): 11 enter wall width (feet): 15 wall area: 165 square feet paint needed: 0.471429 gallons
Answers: 3
Computers and Technology, 22.06.2019 01:00, zuleromanos
)a grad student comes up with the following algorithm to sort an array a[1..n] that works by first sorting the first 2/3rds of the array, then sorting the last 2/3rds of the (resulting) array, and finally sorting the first 2/3rds of the new array. 1: function g-sort(a, n) . takes as input an array of n numbers, a[1..n] 2: g-sort-recurse(a, 1, n) 3: end function 4: function g-sort-recurse(a, `, u) 5: if u ⒠` ≤ 0 then 6: return . 1 or fewer elements already sorted 7: else if u ⒠` = 1 then . 2 elements 8: if a[u] < a[`] then . swap values 9: temp ↠a[u] 10: a[u] ↠a[`] 11: a[`] ↠temp 12: end if 13: else . 3 or more elements 14: size ↠u ⒠` + 1 15: twothirds ↠d(2 ◠size)/3e 16: g-sort-recurse(a, `, ` + twothirds ⒠1) 17: g-sort-recurse(a, u ⒠twothirds + 1, u) 18: g-sort-recurse(a, `, ` + twothirds ⒠1) 19: end if 20: end function first (5 pts), prove that the algorithm correctly sorts the numbers in the array (in increasing order). after showing that it correctly sorts 1 and 2 element intervals, you may make the (incorrect) assumption that the number of elements being passed to g-sort-recurse is always a multiple of 3 to simplify the notation (and drop the floors/ceilings).
Answers: 3
Computers and Technology, 23.06.2019 06:00, tchloe448
What makes myhexadecimalnumber a child of mynumber? which methods does myhexadecimalnumber inherit directly from the mynumber class? what can an instance of the mynumber class do? what can an instance of the myhexadecimalnumber class do? which methods are overridden? why are they overridden? how many examples of overloading are there? why was this done? where is the super keyword used? what is it doing? why isn’t the incoming value set immediately in the second myhexadecimalnumber constructor? how many examples can you find of an inherited method being called?
Answers: 1
Computers and Technology, 24.06.2019 09:50, potatocow
Self contained sequences of actions to be performed are? a. expressions b. algorithms c. functions d. formulas
Answers: 1
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The appears at the bottom of the windows desktop; it is used to launch and manage programs....

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