
Direction: Write the letter of your inswer on your notebook. 1. is a form of energy generated by friction, induction or chemical change, having magnetic chemical and radiant effect.
a. Alternating Current
c. Electricity
b. Direct Current
d. Electrons

2. It constantly reverses its direction of flow.
a. Alternating Current
c. Electricity
a. Direct Current
d. Electrons

3. It flows in one direction. It flows from negative to positive.
a. Alternating Current
c. Electricity
b. Direct Current
d. Electrons

4. From generators to consumers the electricity, must travel long distances. To travel efficiently, its voltage is increased to very high levels through step-up transformers in a
a. Transmission Lines
c. Distribution Substation
b. Transmission Substation
d. Distribution Lines

5. Electricity is produced in through a large power generator, gas turbines, steam turbines and diesel engines.
a. Power Plant
c. Distribution Substation
b. Transmission Substation
d. Wind Turbine

6. Electricity is brought to different towns and cities through high voltage
a. Transmission Lines
b. Transmission Substation
c. Distribution Substation
d. Distribution Lines

7. It carries electricity on the streets and goes to different places where consumers are located.
a. Transmission Lines
c. Distribution Substation
b. Transmission Substation
d. Distribution Lines

8. It is connected at the end of high voltage transmission lines, and it is where the power transformer lowers the voltage.
a. Transmission Lines
c. Distribution Substation
b. Transmission Substation
d. Distribution Lines

Answers: 2

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