
NEED HELP WITH QUESTIONS (a). As a renowned Event Organizer, you have been advising your clients to buy soft drinks from vending machines. Your clients can only pay for their purchases by inserting coins into the vending machines. Using pseudo code, outline the algorithm for paying for these purchases. Explain your pseudo

(b)..You and an electronic engineering student have teamed up to build a robot for detecting coronavirus
patients and carriers. You have developed an algorithm for use in building and operating the
robot; and you are currently analysing your algorithm. Clearly distinguish between worst-case running time and best-case running time in algorithm analysis; and give relevant practical
examples to illustrate your answer.

(c)..AIT has established a Help Desk at its KCC Campus; and the Officer-in-charge is using a Help Desk
application to store all requests that come through from members of the University community (comprising Students, Lecturers, Deans, President,
Technicians, Cleaners, etc.) and then assign them for processing as resources become available. Discuss
the data structure that you would recommend for use in such a help desk application at this university; and
use appropriate examples to illustrate your answer.

Answers: 2

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NEED HELP WITH QUESTIONS (a). As a renowned Event Organizer, you have been advising your clients to...

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