
Companies, identified by Company ID and described by Company Name and Industry Type, hire consultants, identified by Consultant ID and described by Consultant Name and Consultant Specialty, which is multivalued. Assume that a consultant can work for only one company at a time, and we need to track only current consulting engagements. Draw an ERD for this situation. Now, consider a new attribute, Hourly Rate, which is the rate a consultant charges a company for each hour of his or her services. Redraw the ERD to include this new attribute. Now, consider that each time a consultant works for a company, a contract is written describing the terms for this consulting engagement. Contract is identified by a composite identifier of Company ID, Consultant ID, and Contract Date. Assuming that a consultant can still work for only one company at a time, redraw the ERD for this new situation. Did you move any attributes to different entity types in this latest situation? As a final situation, now consider that although a consultant can work for only one company at a time, we now need to keep the complete history of all consulting engagements for each consultant and company. Draw an ERD for this final situation. Explain why these different changes to the situation led to different data models, if they did.

Answers: 2

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Companies, identified by Company ID and described by Company Name and Industry Type, hire consultant...

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