
Public SelectPane(ArrayList clubList) where the parameter "clubList" is passed from the Assignment6 class. The constructor layouts and organizes nodes/components in this panel. You will be adding more variables (nodes/components) than what is listed here, including check boxes, and labels. An object of some pane (maybe VBox) needs to be created, where check boxes will be added later on, and it needs to be added to this SelectPane. public void updateClubList(Club newClub) This method creates an object of CheckBox using the toString method of the parameter object "newClub". Then the check box should be added to the pane that was initially added to the SelectPane in the constructor. This class contains a nested class called SelectionHandler class that implements EventHandler interface. Thus you need to define its handle method that is supposed to check which check boxes are checked, and compute and update the total number of members of selected clubs whenever one check box is checked or unchecked. CreatePane

Answers: 3

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Answers: 2
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Public SelectPane(ArrayList clubList) where the parameter "clubList" is passed from the Assignment6...

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