Business, 06.07.2019 21:50 naomi9601

What two conditions must producers meet for there to be supply of a product?

Answers: 1

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Business, 22.06.2019 19:00, makaylahunt
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Business, 23.06.2019 00:00, ldelgado97
Wo firms, a and b, each currently dump 50 tons of chemicals into the local river. the government has decided to reduce the pollution and from now on will require a pollution permit for each ton of pollution dumped into the river. it costs firm a $100 for each ton of pollution that it eliminates before it reaches the river, and it costs firm b $50 for each ton of pollution that it eliminates before it reaches the river. the government gives each firm 20 pollution permits. government officials are not sure whether to allow the firms to buy or sell the pollution permits to each other. what is the total cost of reducing pollution if firms are not allowed to buy and sell pollution permits from each other? what is the total cost of reducing pollution if the firms are allowed to buy and sell permits from each other? a. $3,000; $1,500 b. $4,500; $3,500 c. $4,500; $4,000 d. $4,500; $2,500
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Business, 23.06.2019 11:10, elysabrina6697
If canada has a surplus of paper products produced but its consumers demand more cleaning solutions, and the us has an abundance of cleaning solutions but consumers are demanding more paper products, how would trade benefit both countries? trade would assist both countries by creating excess demand. trade would assist both countries by strengthening their natural resources. trade would assist both countries to both reduce excess supply and satisfy market demand.
Answers: 3
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What two conditions must producers meet for there to be supply of a product?...

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