Business, 21.12.2020 18:00 natnat55

Rick Wing has a repetitive manufacturing plant producing automobile steering wheels. Use the following data to prepare for a reduced lot size. The firm uses a work year of 305 days. Annual demand for steering wheels 30,500
Daily demand 100
Daily production (8 hours) 800
Desired lot size (2 hours of production) 200
Holding cost per unit per year $10
What is the setup cost, based on the desired lot size?

Answers: 1

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Business, 21.06.2019 20:30, jess7kids
Anewspaper boy is trying to perfect his business in order to maximize the money he can save for a new car. daily paper sales are normally distributed, with a mean of 100 and standard deviation of 10. he sells papers for $0.50 and pays $0.30 for them. unsold papers are trashed with no salvage value. how many papers should he order each day and what % of the time will he experience a stockout? are there any drawbacks to the order size proposed and how could the boy address such issues?
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Business, 22.06.2019 01:00, biggs113056
Awidower devised his fee simple interest in his residence as follows: “to my daughter for life, then to my oldest grandchild who survives her.” at the time of the widower’s death, he was survived by his only two children, a son and a daughter, and by one grandchild, his daughter’s son. a short time later, the daughter together with her son entered into a contract to sell the residence in fee simple to a buyer. the applicable jurisdiction continues to follow the common law rule against perpetuities, but has abrogated the rule in shelley’s case. at the closing, the buyer refused to purchase the residence. can the sellers compel the buyer to do so?
Answers: 2
Business, 22.06.2019 14:40, robert7248
Which of the following statements about revision is most accurate? (a) you must compose first drafts quickly (sprint writing) and return later for editing. (b) careful writers always revise as they write. (c) revision is required for only long and complex business documents. (d) some business writers prefer to compose first drafts quickly and revise later; others prefer to revise as they go.
Answers: 3
Business, 22.06.2019 16:10, SmokeyRN
Waterway company’s record of transactions for the month of april was as follows. purchases sales april 1 (balance on hand) 672 @ $6.00 april 3 560 @ $11.00 4 1,680 @ 6.08 9 1,568 @ 11.00 8 896 @ 6.41 11 672 @ 12.00 13 1,344 @ 6.51 23 1,344 @ 12.00 21 784 @ 6.61 27 1,008 @ 13.00 29 560 @ 6.79 5,152 5,936 (a) calculate average-cost per unit. (b) assuming that periodic inventory records are kept in units only, compute the inventory at april 30 using lifo and average-cost. (c) assuming that perpetual inventory records are kept in dollars, determine the inventory using (1) fifo and (2) lifo. (d) compute cost of goods sold assuming periodic inventory procedures and inventory priced at fifo.
Answers: 2
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Rick Wing has a repetitive manufacturing plant producing automobile steering wheels. Use the followi...

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