Business, 30.10.2020 17:50 GreenHerbz206

a tax-free corporate reorganization can be utilized to: a. Create a subsidiary. b. Resolve management issues by dividing a company into three new companies. c. Combine four corporations into one. d. Transfer assets in a bankruptcy. e. All of these results are possible.

Answers: 1

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Business, 22.06.2019 15:20, Geo777
Table 1. shows the expected demand for the dvd at different suggested donation levels, and they can act as a single-price monopolist if they choose to. thereceipts will be used to fund gstcg supplies for their data collection and conservation work. at the end of each sea turtle nesting season, any excess funds are donated by the gstcg to a local non-profit sea turtle research and rehabilitation facility. table 1 suggested anticipated total marginal profit donation per number of dvd revenue revenue dvd request requests $19.00 0 $15.00 2 $9.50 4 $7.75 10 $3.00 15 $0.00 20 a. complete table 1 by computing the total revenue, marginal revenue, and profit columns. b. the president wants the gstcg to provide videos to generate the most possible donations (total revenue). what price, if any, is the president of the gstcg favoring and how many people will receive the dvd if this becomes the price of the suggested donation? explain your answer. c. the education outreach committee wants the gstcg to provide videos to the highest possible number of people. what price, if any, is the educational outreach committee favoring and how many people will receive the dvd if this becomes the price of the suggested donation? explain your answer. d. the treasurer of the gstcg wants the dvd program to be as efficient as possible so that the marginal revenue equals marginal cost. what price, if any, is the treasurer favoring and how many people will receive the dvd if this becomes the price of the suggested donation? explain your answer. e. the fundraising committee wants the dvd program to generate as much profit in donations as possible. what price, if any, is the fundraising committee favoring and how many people will receive the dvd if this becomes the price of the suggested donation? explain your answer.
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Business, 22.06.2019 17:30, chrisd2432
Alinguist had a gross income of 53,350 last year. if 17.9% of his income got witheld for federal income tax, how much of the linguist's pay got witheld for federal income tax last year?
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Business, 22.06.2019 18:00, firesoccer53881
If you would like to ask a question you will have to spend some points
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Business, 22.06.2019 19:30, Lucid4465
Which of the following constitute the types of unemployment occurring at the natural rate of unemployment? a. frictional and cyclical unemployment. b. structural and frictional unemployment. c. cyclical and structural unemployment. d. frictional, structural, and cyclical unemployment.
Answers: 2
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a tax-free corporate reorganization can be utilized to: a. Create a subsidiary. b. Resolve managemen...

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