Business, 05.03.2020 13:08 ariana0517

Dumphy and Funke are rival tattoo artists in the small town of Feline. There are no other tattoo artists in town. It costs $30 to produce a Tweety Bird tattoo. Assume for simplicity that fixed costs are zero and that Dumphy and Funke perform identical work. For a while, there was too much demand for Funke and Dumphy to handle and they both charged $200 for a tatoo. But recently, demand has dropped significantly and there isn't enough work for both to fill their days at any price. However, there is some demand at all prices. a. What will be the equilabrium price that Dumphy and Funke will charge?b. What are the profits for Dumphy and Funke at the equilibrium price?c. What type of competition would Funke and Dumphy likely engage in after the decrease in demand?

Answers: 1

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Dumphy and Funke are rival tattoo artists in the small town of Feline. There are no other tattoo art...

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