Biology, 06.04.2021 22:00 coolcat3190

How has the use of fossil fuels negatively affected earth A. average global temperature
B. More carbon dioxide has been emitted into the atmosphere
C. Recycling has become more common
D. Less technology is available to people

Answers: 1

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In tossing one coin 10 times, what are your chances for tossing a head? a tail? 2. in tossing one coin 100 times, what are your chances for tossing a head? a tail? 3. in tossing one coin 200 times, what are your chances for tossing a head? a tail? deviation = ((absolute value of the difference between expected heads and observed heads) + (absolute value of the difference between expected tails and observed tails)) divided by total number of tosses. this value should always be positive. 4. what is the deviation for 10 tosses? 5. what is the deviation for the 100 tosses? 6. what is the deviation for 200 tosses? 7. how does increasing the total number of coin tosses from 10 to 100 affect the deviation? 8. how does increasing the total number of tosses from 100 to 200 affect the deviation? 9. what two important probability principles were established in this exercise? 10. the percent of occurrence is the obtained results divided by the total tosses and multiplied by 100%. toss the coins 100 times and record your results. calculate the percent occurrence for each combination. percent head-head occurrence: percent tail-tail occurrence: percent head-tail occurrence:
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In which case would a scientist choose to use a dissecting microscope rather than a compound microscope
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Biology, 22.06.2019 04:50, kaylallangari2145
How are proteins and nucleic acids related? they both provide energy. they both carry genetic information. the structure of proteins is determined by nucleic acids. the subunits of nucleic acids are also the subunits of proteins.
Answers: 3
You know the right answer?
How has the use of fossil fuels negatively affected earth A. average global temperature
B. M...

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