Biology, 07.01.2021 17:20 kinslou6506

In the testes, sperm cells replicate and differentiate in the . Question 2 options: urethra septum tunica albuginea seminiferous tubules ductus deferens

Answers: 3

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Coat color in cats is determined by genes at several different loci. at one locus on the x chromosome, one allele (x ) encodes black fur and another allele (xo) encodes orange fur. females can be black (x x ), orange (xoxo), or a mixture of orange and black called tortoiseshell (x xo). males are either black (x y) or orange (xoy). bill has a female tortoiseshell cat named patches. one night, patches escapes from bill\'s house, spends the night out, and mates with a stray male. patches later gives birth to the following kittens: one orange male, one black male, two tortoiseshell females, and one orange female. what are the genotypes of patches, the stray male, and the kittens?
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Can someone i have no idea of how to do this.
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In the testes, sperm cells replicate and differentiate in the . Question 2 options: urethra septum t...

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